Saturday, March 1, 2014

Fetching all BAG WFS features

Fetch boy fetch!







The idea for this post originates from a tweet by a FME user on a blog post in which information is given about accessing the Dutch SDI (PDOK) OGC webservices. For original post (in dutch) see brentjesgeoict.


In the post a number of handy tips are given concerning fetching all features residing in the national registration for addresses and buildings service (BAG)
I must admit that until now I have used OGC services strictly as input data source without actually realizing that there might be a limitation. After getting curious about it I started finding out more about the possibilities of smart usage of OGC services and the ability to make the use easy via FME.


I am not going to give you a detailed overview about OGC, for that use the Internet, but I will mention the fact that the OGC standards are unique in the GeoSpatial sector for being widely accepted as created standards (in contrary to the de facto standards e.i. shapefile)

Making it easy

The recommended way to overcome the service restrictions (for this case there is a restriction on the service that results in a maximum of 15000 features returned) is to make use of the count and startIndex parameters of the GetFeature request.(WFS 2.0.0)
To make sure that all of the features are returned, an initial query ("resulttype=hits") returns the total number of features served.
With that a simple calculation can be done that ensures the correct number of requests are always sent.
The use of parameters in the workbench makes it easy to adapt the GetFeature request syntax to any available feature type.
Allowing the area of interest to be selected (municipality, province or national) at runtime and the calculated requests make it all care free and really easy to use.
FME Workbench


To make the results accessible I have created a Google map.
With the help of the filter option simple questions such as: "all the buildings built last year?"* can be directly answered and visualized.

* Results are based on a temporary service, and may not be updated or complete.
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